Tips To Keeping Your Blood Pressure Normal.

Your body's vital organs, such as heart, kidneys, brain and circulatory system rely on maintaining a healthy blood pressure, in order that they function properly. This in turn can add years to your life, giving you the health and energy for a vibrant lifestyle. This article will provide you a few ideas that will help you lower your blood pressure if it is high, or help maintain it at a normal level. Taking care of your general well being and keeping blood pressure at a normal level is probably one of the most important health considerations in our modern age.

Age and Normal Blood Pressure:

Unfortunately the aging process makes our arteries become more rigid, losing the flexibility they had in our youth. This hardening causes your heart to work harder by having to pump against the increased resistance. Further resistance occurs if the arteries are narrowed, leading to additional work for the heart and an increase in blood pressure. For these reasons, it becomes extremely important to monitor your blood pressure as you get older, as well as take steps to reduce high blood pressure back to a normal level.

Weight and Blood Pressure:

Extra weight, without doubt, is a major factor in high blood pressure and therefore controlling your weight is vital. Did you know that every pound of fat in your body contains an average of 200 miles of capillaries? These capillaries are small threadlike blood vessels that carry blood cells to the outer most layers of your tissues. The sad fact is that every time you add a pound to your body weight, your heart must pump blood through an additional 200 miles of blood vessels! That's a lot of extra work! Not only that, but additional weight means that your body must work harder to support you and to move you around. A low body fat ratio and the maintenance of a healthy weight, can do wonders in stabilising your blood pressure at normal levels. It is essential to keep your diet low in fat, controlling your portion size, and engaging in a regular exercise program. All of this will help you lower and maintain your optimal weight, which in turn helps you retain a normal blood pressure level.

Diet and Blood Pressure:

As we've already discussed, your diet affects your weight, which can directly affect your blood pressure. Were you aware that there are certain foods that can actually help reduce your blood pressure? On the other hand, you need to reduce your intake of some foods, such as salt in your diet, which will definitely help lower your blood pressure back to normal. Also, skim milk, which is low in fat, is a healthy choice for reducing blood pressure. Dark chocolate, as it happens "if eaten in portions of half an ounce or less per day" has been shown to have beneficial effects on blood pressure. Those foods that are beneficial to maintaining normal blood pressure include soybeans, bananas, spinach, and beans (white, navy, lima, pinto, and kidney). Finally, the eating of spicy food seasonings has indicated a lower incidence of blood clotting diseases, and the resulting increased metabolism that they can generate, will assist you to lose weight.

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