Privacy Policy
Your privacy is very important to us. Please read this page carefully as it contains our Privacy Policy.
Any information that we collect about you is used by us to process any information you request, or
any order you may place and to provide you with a personalised experience for any shopping you may choose to do with us.
The information that we collect about you may, in addition to the above, be used to occasionally notify you about important changes to our website, or about information that we believe may be important or useful to you.
The information collected by us is provided by you on a voluntary basis. You may sign up to receive certain information and / or offers that we provide. For any of these services, we require your name and your primary email address, which we will use to send you the information that you requested and to keep you informed of other important matters that we believe may be useful to you.
On certain occasions when you place an order with us, or subscribe to one or more of our services, we may collect other information about you, in addition to your name and primary email address. This may include your full residential address, your phone number and your full name. This information is collected by us and provided by you on a voluntary basis and will be used by us to process your order requests and enhance your shopping experience, in addition to us being able to provide further information that we believe may be useful to you.
We will not ever sell, trade, rent or provide your personal information to any person or corporation.
We are committed to protecting your privacy and the information collected by us will only be used in the manner and for the purpose stated above. Your personal information will not be disclosed or provided to any others.
By using our website or requesting or signing up for any of our offers, you are consenting to the collection of this information by
Goodbye High Blood and / or its principals, authors, agents,
employees and associates for the purposes stated above. Should we decide to change this Privacy Policy, we will post the changes to this page, so that you will always be aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances we disclose it.
Additionally, this website,, its principals, authors, agents, employees and associates, accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any material contained on this site. All the information, techniques, skills and concepts contained within this site are not in any way recommended in place of professional help, nor is it the intent of the site to overwrite such professional help.