Disclaimer - Terms of Use


Goodbye High Blood Pressure, its principals, agents, employees, authors and associates have made every effort to accurately prepare and present this site and any products, together with any various additional resources. The product and the resources are in essence materials that are provided to you and which you use in accordance with these Terms of Use. They are provided to assist, inform and entertain you.

There is no guarantee that the information and / or products listed will provide you or advance your knowledge in any particular way. Since many factors differ greatly according to individuals, we cannot guarantee that you will have an increase in knowledge or understanding of the issues put forward, nor are we responsible for any of your actions.

The information and products that we provide to you, either on this website or contained within any of our various products, are provided for your personal use and information only. It is not intended to provide you with any advice or solution about your particular personal circumstance and as such, same should only be used as a guide or for information and research purposes. We do not purport that this product, information and resources to be anything other than a work or works as presented in the opinion of the publishers and / or authors, as the case may be. We do not provide any warranties, express or implied, in regards to any solutions for you and any actions followed are solely at your own risk.

Further, www.goodbyehighbloodpressure.com, it's principals, authors, agents, employees and associates will not accept any liability of any nature  whatsoever, including any consequential claims, for any outcome or result that may occur or happen, whether or not any of the products or information were used or misused in any way whatsoever.

Except as provided for under any relevant National Copyright Act, no part of this website or work may be reproduced, copied or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in any database or retrieval system, without the prior express written permission of the publisher.

This work, shall not be reproduced, modified, transmitted, distributed, disseminated, sold, published, sublicensed or have derivative works created or based upon it, without the prior express written permission of the publisher. You may use this work for your own personal use and any other use of the work is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.

By purchasing or using our information, resources and / or products, as well as on this website, you agree to abide by the Terms of Use stated herein. Our products are provided to you only on this basis. We wish you every success and do sincerely trust that our products will inform and assist you.


Medical Disclaimer:

The information contained within this website is intended as reference and research material and is not intended as medical advice, nor is it intended to replace or substitute any such advice. It is provided as information and tools to assist you in making informed decisions about lifestyle and health. Under no circumstances is it intended to to substitute, add or detract from or to any medical advice or treatment and you should always consult a qualified healthcare professional.

The publisher, authors and principals are not healthcare professionals and offer the information on this website for your research, education and enjoyment only. If you suspect you have any  health problem or condition, you should seek medical attention and never commence any program or treatment without first consulting a qualified healthcare professional.

Additionally, http://www.goodbyehighbloodpressure.com, it's principals, authors, agents, employees and associates, expressly disclaims any and all liability to any person in respect of anything, and of the consequences of anything, done or omitted to be done by any such person in reliance, whether wholly or partially, upon any information presented on this site. 


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